Friday, May 26, 2006

Union Network International - Finance call to end Turkey strike ban

"Finance call to end Turkey strike ban

25.05.2006 -
Finance workers from across the world have demanded an end to the ban on strikes in banks in Turkey.
The legal prohibition on strikes by bank workers in Turkey contravenes both the core labour rights of the International Labour Organisation and the principles of the Council of Europe and the European Union.
Bank workers are banned from striking because their industry is classified as an 'essential service' like hospitals or electricity services.
'It's the right time to remove this prohibition,' said Emre Kocaoglu of Basisen Turkey.
'We are losing jobs and rights, we are suffering from the widening gap between rich and poor. If we win the right to strike we can get better organised and struggle better for our members.'"

More:Union Network International - Finance call to end Turkey strike ban