Saturday, April 29, 2006

Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | Rice Offers Modest U.S. Help to Turks

"Rice Offers Modest U.S. Help to Turks

Wednesday April 26, 2006 1:01 AM

AP Photo ANK134


AP Diplomatic Writer

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice pledged only modest U.S. help Tuesday as Turkey tries to counter a terrorist threat across its outlaw border with Iraq.

She asked for patience with the new Iraqi government as she encountered large anti-U.S. protests in Greece and smaller demonstrations in Turkey.

On another issue of vital interest in the region as well as globally, Rice said Washington is concerned about Iranian threats to share the nuclear technology it is developing with other countries."

More:Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | Rice Offers Modest U.S. Help to Turks