Thursday, December 22, 2005

United Press International - Intl. Intelligence - Analysis: Eurasianism, an EU alternative?

"Analysis: Eurasianism, an EU alternative?

UPI International Editor

WASHINGTON, Dec. 22 (UPI) -- Turkey has been pushing for full membership in the European Community for almost 50 years now. And for 50 years Brussels Eurocrats have repeatedly told the Turks they are not quite ready.

Brussels has repeatedly told Turkey it still has giant steps to take in order to reach a level of democracy acceptable to the EU. Consecutive Turkish governments were given a long sundry list of action points that had to be implemented before the EU would consider allowing Turkey into the club. Turkey had to meet the Copenhagen Criteria for human rights and free market, it had to abolish torture in its prisons and ease up on the Kurds. Then there remains the unresolved Cyprus question."

More:United Press International - Intl. Intelligence - Analysis: Eurasianism, an EU alternative?