Sunday, October 23, 2005

JTW Article - An Analysis of the Cyprus Conflict with a Psyhoanalytical Approach

"An Analysis of the Cyprus Conflict with a Psyhoanalytical Approach

George Mason University
Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, USA

Summary: This study will focus on the psychoanalytical concepts and theories to explain the borders and barriers among the social groups and states. The concepts of the minor differences, externalization, projection, chosen trauma and glories, dehumanization, victimization, and ethnic identity were used to analyze the historical, psychological and political barriers between Turkish and Greek Cypriots. In Cyprus conflıct, it’s necessary to deal with historical and psychological barriers to achieve lasting and perpetual peace and political solution like the Annan Plan."

More:JTW Article - An Analysis of the Cyprus Conflict with a Psyhoanalytical Approach