Saturday, September 24, 2005

A Photo Show on a Pogrom 50 Years Ago Is Itself Attacked by a Mob - New York Times

"A Photo Show on a Pogrom 50 Years Ago Is Itself Attacked by a Mob

Published: September 24, 2005

ISTANBUL - Tucked away for more than 40 years, the 120 black-and-white photographs hanging in a gallery here have the stark appearance and potential emotional impact of evidence presented in a legal proceeding.
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Karsi Gallery

One of the photographs from the Karsi Gallery collection, from 1955.
This article is exclusive to the Web.

And that, it turns out, is what they are.

One image shows a mob outside a row of storefronts, with some people watching passively and others cheering as a shop is ransacked. A young man stands with his half-clenched fist raised in the air, as if he is egging on the vandals; his other hand rests passively on his hip, suggesting nonchalance. A boy stares up numbly, as if looking in vain for answers. Above him, a man in the shell of the shop's wrecked building heaves a baby carriage to the street below."

More:A Photo Show on a Pogrom 50 Years Ago Is Itself Attacked by a Mob - New York Times