Monday, September 26, 2005

Guardian Unlimited Politics | Comment | Regime change, European-style, is a measure of our civilisation

"Regime change, European-style, is a measure of our civilisation

European self-interest must not be trumped by the politics of identity on the road to Turkey's accession to the EU

Madeleine Bunting
Monday September 26, 2005
The Guardian

A week from today, barring a last-minute upset, there will be a small, quiet signing ceremony, probably in Strasbourg. Not even the UK Foreign Office seems entirely sure of the venue or its format. But no one is questioning the scale of the ambition nor the risks which underpin this event - the opening of the accession process for Turkey's membership of the European Union. Welcome to regime change, European-style."

More:Guardian Unlimited Politics | Comment | Regime change, European-style, is a measure of our civilisation