Tuesday, July 26, 2005

500 Largest Turkish Firms Announced

"500 Largest Turkish Firms Announced
By Anadolu News Agency (aa)
Published: Tuesday July 26, 2005

State-owned petroleum refinary TUPRAS with sales of 10.4 billion new Turkish liras (YTL) in 2004, is again the top of the list of the 500 largest industrial firms published by the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO).

The ISO has announced its survey of 'Turkey's Top 500 Firms' in a news conference. According to the report, TUPRAS sold YTL 10,446,591,755 worth of production in 2004, keeping its position the same as last year.

The followings are the Top 10 lists of 2004."

More:500 Largest Turkish Firms Announced