Monday, May 30, 2005

JTW News - If the Goal had been Genocide, No Armenians would be "Left in Istanbul"

"If the Goal had been Genocide, No Armenians would be 'Left in Istanbul'
Mango: If the goal had been genocide, no Armenians would be left in Istanbul

Reknowned biographer of Ataturk's life, as well as professor at London University's School of Oriental and African Studies, Andrew Mango, has said that one of the reasons the Armenian matter has laid claim to such wide interest was the use of the word 'genocide' in its introduction to the world.

Mango also said that the loose usage of the word 'genocide' would turn human history into one giant genocide history. Said Mango: 'In this case, every government and people has at one point or another been responsible for a genocide. This is not an accusation that only the Turks should have to shoulder.'
Leave the arguments to the historians"

More:JTW News - If the Goal had been Genocide, No Armenians would be "Left in Istanbul"